On-Demand 1:1 academic counseling and tutoring

Personalized 4.0 Tutoring

Personalized 4.0 Tutoring

On-Demand 1:1 academic counseling and tutoring

Choose Your Personalized Plan for Academic Excellence

Per Semester
Tutoring + Academic Counseling

1 to 3 subjects per semester
From$ 2925 up to 15 weeks
  • As low as $59/hr
  • 1:1 counseling*
  • 1:1 tutoring
  • Class assignment completion
  • Midterm exam prep
  • Final exam prep
  • Midterm and final paper writing
  • Academic progress tracker
  • Real-time analytics and update
  • Personal and adaptive learning plan
  • Course selection

Per Quarter
Tutoring + Academic Counseling

1 to 3 subjects per quarter
From$ 2100 up to 10 weeks
  • As low as $63/hr
  • 1:1 counseling*
  • 1:1 tutoring
  • Class assignment completion
  • Midterm exam prep
  • Final exam prep
  • Midterm and final paper writing
  • Academic progress tracker
  • Real-time analytics and update
  • Personal and adaptive learning plan
  • Course selection

Per 4 Weeks
Tutoring + Academic Counseling

1 to 3 subjects per week
From$ 900 for 4 weeks
  • As low as $68/hr
  • 1:1 counseling*
  • 1:1 tutoring
  • Class assignment completion
  • Midterm exam prep
  • Final exam prep
  • Midterm and final paper writing
  • Academic progress tracker
  • Real-time analytics and update
  • Personal and adaptive learning plan
  • Course selection

MEGA+ Tutoring Advantage

Test Prep

Personalized study plans and tutoring for quizzes and tests

Study plan

Personalized study plans tailored to upcoming quizzes and tests

Review Sessions

Review sessions to cover key concepts and areas of difficulty

Practice Quizzes and Tests

Practice quizzes and tests to assess readiness and identify areas needing improvement

Study Materials

Study guides, notes, and resources to aid in preparation

Test-Taking Strategies

Effective test-taking techniques and time management skills during exams

Progress Monitoring

Analyzing quiz and test results to identify strengths and weaknesses

Dedicated Support

make an appointment anytime to work on improving your grades

On-demand support

We give you support when you need it because getting help as soon as you know you're having trouble is most important in bringing your grade up. Waiting until the last minute for help will be too late.

Weekly Counseling

We talk with you to get a deeper understanding of your mindset, difficulties, and needs. You will get a clear plan for what needs to be done for each class and when.

GPA Management

During our meetings, we will discuss how you can improve by looking at the following.
Assignment completion
Upcoming test and quiz
Incomplete assignment
Current grades
Teachers' feedbacks

Take Control

complete assignments ahead of time and stay on top of your coursework

Priority planning

How much time do I have? Do I have any unfinished assignment? We help you with prioritizing the school subject, deciding which school subject needs most amount of your time and help.

Personalized analysis

We use SWOT (Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats) assess what has worked and what has not. It is important that you know what to avoid doing and how to build your self-confidence.

Time management

We help you create a study schedule and get yourself organized. A specific daily study goals will help you avoid overwhelming yourself and give you a better perspective of what is possible each day.

Study Smarter, Not Harder

accomplish more and avoid wasted effort

The perfect match

Our tutors are empathetic and good listeners who understand that not all students understand concepts the same way and that it's important to try multiple approaches to find the strategy that fit the students.

Weekly assignments

We assign quality weekly assignments that apply and reinforce academic topics. By completing them, you get to work steadily over the course of the semester.

Study ahead lessons

When you study ahead of time with our tutors, you are more likely to understand the topic, being better able to figure out what's important and what isn't.